The Denver Jewish News from Denver, Colorado (2024)

Store Your Furs With Us At Moderate Cost All articles are carefully cleaned before bein'? placed in otir spacious Iry cold storage vaults. Repairing and Remodeling In accordance with the smartest styles at reduced rates during summer months. New Spring In a wide variety cii of pelts, at sur- prisingly low prices. YOUMANS FUR CO. 401 Sixteenth St.

Cor. Tremont Phone Main 8045 Telephone Champa SOS! JOE OKI.P.MAX J. lIKI.I.KK Model Furniture Company Selection in Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum, Ranges at Moderate Prices CASH OR CREDIT 18-13 Wrlton Street Denver, Colorado i Most Seminole Cafeteria And Soda Fountain Service A quiff linillf Hkf fllllff. ApjiCiixius Mnsi l'rlciil. Kelly Davis 1656 Curtis Street cOOPERs I yanuMnn 502 Fifteenth Street 532 Fifteenth Street Between Weltou ami (ilenarm Sts.

Between Helton and Glenarm Sts. This Week We Are Offering: HOSIERY olLXij Full Fashioned Hose, with inforced toe and heels, regu- Crepe de Chine, in IQ larly sold for 7C navy only; 1 Special Kayser Fancy Lace Hose Imported Pongee, 12 Qflp and other well-known brands, $3.95 Canton Crepe, in very fine Kayser Silk Vests with ribbon shoulder straps, heavy quality, quality, regularly Kfl regu i arly so i for an rr Special Special oZiOu We Are Not Connected With Any Other Store In Denver VINERY i 4 ji 490 DENVER $75 More Than a Ford i WE SELL ON TIME 324 South Broadway I WEEKLY JEWISH PUBLICATION NEEDS RELIABLE AND LI.VE-WIRE CORRESPONDENTS IN ALL CITIES. APPLY i T. KAH AN, 1260 47TH ST, BROOKLYN. N.

Y. MEYER UNDERTAKING ANY Expert Embalmers and 1 Funeral Directors Only Jewish Undertakers In Colorado. Full Automobile equipment. -J Lord Walter Rothschild, lo whom Sir Arthur J. Balfour, the then Secretary of Slate for Foreign Affairs, addressed Ji on November the British Govjermnent's Zionist Dcelnratioii, hns arrived in Jemsnlein.

MATZOTH FOR PASSOVER CAUSE RIOT OF JOY IN MINSK. NYw X. Telnshkln of Ptiehoviehi nml Dukor. Minsk. scut a fetter expressing appreciation for the food packages received of the Foot I Remit tanee Opera lion, says a communication of tie- American Relief administration.

packages of the A. K. A. liuvo brought into our district a panic of the Rabbi writes. think what it means for all our people to have received for whole Passover enough Hour.

milk, sugar, tea. and fat. Only Rod can how full our hearts are with to our generous American brethren. The big America lias displayed during the terrible time of the war many beautiful traits and the A. R.

A. is one of them. Everything that is lieing sent through tlie A. R. A.

is received here in perfect order. Their organisation, is perfect. They have warehouses at whieli contains everything am', whoever gives an order for a friend of his may he certain that his friends will get the equivalent of his money in shortest possible time. Generally speaking. I must say that the American Relief plays a powerful role hero and Russia will never forget work for the hungry.

The Soviet authorities are satisfied with the work of the A. It. A. and it lias I teen ordered to follow out strictly ail their MALTREATS CHILD TO CAUSE BLOOD LIBEL. (3.

C. 1). Service.) Warsaw local paiiers port this curious mi no which has come to light In IMusk. A Jewish anti a 110.1- Jcwlsli came to Mows in the streets. non-Jewish boy after wards told Ids father that a Jew-liny had hit him.

The father thought 'is an opportunity for starting a blood lilwl against the Jews, tore the child's clothes and cut his body a rusty knife. He then accused lay of having rt ihv Is on Ids to flstnin bb tr Passover. The 1 poisoning wa- 11 away hospital where ho was hoard asl. in his delirium: you cutting me about like doctors and nurses vho ba board this confronted the with the at or. sat lon that he him had inflicted the wounds upon his child an 1 he CONVENTION OF THE FENERATION OF HUNGARIAN JEWS AMERICA.

annual convent I of the Federation of Hungarian in America will lie held on Saturday. May 20th and Sunday May 21st. at tiie Hias building T.afuyotte street, near Astor Place, New York City. The Six Hundred ami Seventy-two delegates from all parts of the coun try have already mailed their credentials to the Central of the Federation at 400 B. Houston New York City, in the name of their respective organizations.

The Federation now has ninety two affiliated societies and numbers about Jews as its adherents. conventions will he confrouted with rhe solution of various Jewish prof) lenis. PALESTINIAN CITIZENSHIP OPTIONAL FOR ENGLISH JEWS. C. B.

SerTlee.) to a in il-r House of Lords, the Dtiko of Suilu said tint of the Palestine Civil service recruited snljeot to the genera! rule ior civil servants in and possessions. English Je'Vi: in Palestine, either eminent otHelals or in a private wishing to bee ns may do -o if tliev fulfil conditions required for acquisition of Palestinien citizenship. DR. ADLER WANTS CONFERENCE OK JEWISH EDUCATORS. (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Philadelphia- A conference of the heads of Jewish educational thnis of the country, to coordinate plans for Jewish education, was posed by I)r.

Cyrus Adler, shaking 1 at the Day Celebration in i Dropsie College. Dr. Adler commented on the literary 1 achievements of Dropsie College in the 1 past lii years, speaking particularly of the important literary contributions in the Jewish Quarterly Review "I do not. know of any other instij tution that has so many scientific pub! Mentions to its credit in the same I space of he said. The honorary of Doctor of Philosophy was conferred upon Samuel Nironstein of Hartford.

and Klhnnan 11. (iolomi) of Northampton. Mass. Dr. Adler said the theses pro.

pared by these two men would be valued contributions to literature. Dr. Jacob Mann, of Baltimore, rend a paper on the opportunities for Jew. Ish exploration in Mesopotamia. THE DENVER JEWISH NEW 9 Clubs COUNCIL ALLIANCE.

The Council Alliance closed meetini's for year on Sumlny. Mny 14tli. by entertaining members at a box party at Orpboiun theatre, followed by a supper at the Shirley Savoy hotel. affair was most delightful that the Council Alliance las over Credit lndng due to the officers, Rosnbclle Kramer, lletty Kuebia and Sylvia Eisenberg. who bad charge of all arrangements.

Council Alliance will resume ne- tivities fall with more enthusiasm than ever I A. V. At a meeting of the C. A. C.

bold May 11. the following otllccrs were elected. Harry Spitzer, president: Mr. Harry Coldbaminer. vice-president: Mr.

Harry 11. Miller, secretary: Mr. Harry Saks, Mr. Itolicrt Miller, treasurer; Mr. Morris Lyons, sea rga lit -at--arms.

New members are still coming in and our limit will soon reached. A stag party will be held at the home of Harry ft. Miller, Sunday. May 14. 11)22.

at which 4 new members will be 11. M. di ll SPIRIT Spirit." a topic interesting to all young club men and women, is the topic selected for an essay contest conducted by El Corro. The essays must consist of at least fiOO words and be written on one side of the paper and sent to Miss Shirley Jeff. Larimer before June 10.

Two generous prizes are offered for the writters of the two liest Vomposittons. Everyone is elegible. your talent You can. Ifs a big Held for material. Now lets see some COLFAX ALL-STARS.

The Colfax All-Stars have organized their baseball squad tlds year, and will in the Rubin Roskowitz was elected manager and Ox man was elected captain. So far they have won four games and lost none. The one team that lias; the highest percentage will win a cup. C. JUNIOR MIZRACHI The Junior Mizraehi will hold a regular meeting on Sunday.

May 14th. Ii p. at the home of Mr. Fem-rstiMn momhers are urged to SIRENS the Sirens wan held at the Rudcjttommtinlt.v Center. A disiussiii of important business was held.

All challenges for Indoor Cannes may obtained from Capt. Phillip Marylander, 304 Vest Colfax S. OWL CLUB- Oil May 10. Teddy Prezant nnd Morey GiMMlman were added to the membership list of the club. At next meeting there will In' an election of otllccrs.

Under tlioir administration the club will continue with its plans for the summer, which will include many outdoor entertainments as well indoor. social hour of the next meeting will he occupied with a debate. The question of debate is: RESOLVED: the result of the Genoa Conference will a benefit to the M. J. If.

B. H. JR. CLUB. The It.

M. 11. arc having the ofj the It. M. 11.

Senior Auxiliary on Monday. May 22nd. Remember the ladies, must a prominent and inspiring thought of Messrs. Arthur Oberfelder and A1 price of the Denver base hall club. This year the ladies of Denver can thank these gentlemen for their generosity in giving not one.

hut more one each week, This gives the interested an opportunity to witness, free the splendid games played in the Denver field. Mr. Isadora Hilb left Friday eve- ning for a business trip in the east. Mr. I.

Sherman, who for many years has been connected with various lines ladies apparel, and for that reason is well qualified to judge, wishes to announce to Ids many friends that lie lias in partnersship with J. 11. Simon, opened a store of ladies specialities under the name of The S. and S. Specialty Shop.

J. O. Y. A new club was organized under the name of the J. O.

It is composed of girls from the ages of fourteen to sixteen. All girls wishing to join, please call Miss Fannie Iglit. Champa 17-12. meeting was held Sunday. May 14.

rind the following officers were elected Fannie Hit. president: Rose Davis, vice-president: Ethel Mendelsohn, secretary: Esther Lang, E. M. HRAININ. DEAN OF HEBREW LIT ERATI'RE, CELEBRATES BOTH BIRTH BAY.

(J. C. B. Service.) Montreal Reuben Hrninin of Now York, (loan of modern Hebrew literature, celebrated his (With birthday hero surrounded by bis children and frlomls. Horn on Purim day.

1802, in Ijidi. Mohilew, Russia, Brainin has been writing continually sinee 18S0. ids first literary connection being with tbe daily of wldeh he became editor in 1800. Since tlmt time he has edited many Hebrew periodieials in countries, and at the present tiAie is editor of the literary Hebrew monthly In New York. Mr.

Brainin (s tlie author of several thousand essays and biographical sketches, many of which have translated into the mort Important European languages. A special editien, in volumes, of his collected works in the original Hebrew is now in preparation. Reulten Hrninin. who was an intimate friend of lias always teen active in the Zionist movement, together with Schnierer. Nossig and Nathan Birnhnum, Mr.

Hrninin founded. in 1802, the first politicnl- Zionist movement, wldeh preceded that of Herat. KATTOWITZ COMMUNITY LEAVES GERMAN UNION. (J. C.

B. if as lieen piado of tlie withdrawal of the Jewish community of Kuttowitz from the union of German Kehillotli, on the ground that Upper Silesia is now under Polish rule. tendency io sever all affiliations with Jewish organizations in Germany are becoming manifest in other circles in Poland. The Bnel lodges of Warsaw and Ixmlz are contemplating the formation of separate lodges which, together with those in Upper Silesia, will constitute a new Order of the Bnel Hrith. MOSCOW HABIMAH TO VISIT AMERICA (Jewish Telegraphic Agency.) Berlin Hiihimnh of the noted troup of Hebrew artists promises making a tour of European countries, Palestine and America it is learned.

Friends of the Hebrew stage are very anxious to have this company. wldeh achieves to many triumphs under trying circ*mstances in Soviet Russia, given an opportunity of appearing lieforc Jewish audiences in free countries. (t LILLIAN RUSSELL WANTS IMMIGRATION STOPPED FOR FIVE YEARS. (Jtvlih Telegraphic Agency) New have conic to the Conclusion Mint immigration should fully stopped for at least "i years in order to let the country properly assimilate the immigrants now here Lillian Uusscll. in private life Mrs.

Alexander Moore, said to the press on her return from Eurojie as a Spe I cial Commissioner of Immigration, Miss Itussell, who lias lieen away i three months studying the immigration problem, declared she was in favor of a more even distribution of immigrants. und that all new arrivals should lie subjected to an educational test and that the immigrant coming to this country should compelled to wait 21 years for his vote. DEMANDS RECOGNITION FOR LITHUANIAN GOVERNMENT. (J. C.

B. Service.) Sahath of Chicago lias introduced a resolution in the House that America recognizes the Lithuanian Republic. The resolution stntes that England. France, Italy and Poland, have recognized Lithuania de facto and recalls that tlie one million Lithuanians in this country rallied to tin? side of America during the war. The resolution had been referred to the Foreign Affairs committee of the House, where it is understood that.

Mr. Sahath will press for consideration. LEADS FOR RETURN TO (Jewish Telegraphic Agency.) the phrase coined by the late Professor Solomon Scheohter. gained fresh currency here tonight when Dr. Charles Director of the National Institute of Industrial Psychology, lectured on the psychology of Zionism and Zionism.

As a solution to the vexation problem. Dr. Myers suggested there wa.4 need for return to a Judaism neither racial nor imrfonal. but reverting to the beliefs of the Jewish founders of Christianity. This, the lecturer said, represented Professor conception of Catholic Judaism.

Chielf Rahhi Hertz, a pupil of Professor Scliechter, presided. Prof. David I. Macht, of Johns Hopkins University, has been awarded the annual grant of the research fund ot the American Pharmaceutical Association for 1021. Our Great Introductory Sale of STRAW HATS NOW SWING Undoubtedly the Greatest Showing of Foreign and Domestic Straw Hats in America.

$3-50 and 00 $245 Sennit, Chinki, and Porto Rican Straws in Sailor. Alpine and Sunken Crown Shapes for Men and Young Men. 16th and Champa Sts. Denver. ciocu't Starting Wednesday May 17th Peggy Parker and The Four Musketeers in Mnftlculclte McCormick Wallace the Srakhnrf" Espe Dutton Itaelf" Laura Pierpont In fiuiiling Rinaldo Bros.

in Komnn Art Frank Van Hoven The nippy Mail Madclnn Rita Gould In a Cycle Tnthe Aesop's Fublea, of the Day. Matinee: 15c, 25c, 50c. Nlblilm: 15c to SI.UO. MCAL MM ft I Aft -o' TH a TEAVE LINO 13 man said to ns IH the other day, a real pleasure il for a regular man to get a regular meal In a regular We said, you, I Mr. Brown." a EDELWEISS I Ibl Cafe and lAm eh Room 1 1655 California St.

I Open AU Night I Mr. M. I. Dupare, of Amsterdam, Referendary to the Dutch Ministry of Education, has received honor of Commander of the Lotion of Honor from the French Government. Mr.

l)u---pare has held other government posts, notably at the Ministry of the Interior, Superb Orchestra Thursday' May 18 WILL ROGERS, in Glorious Friday and Saturday, May 19 and 20 WM. De MILLE Production and Paid For" With AGNES AYRES and lIOLT Sunday and Monday, May 21 and 22 CHARLIE CHAPLIN, in Day" and The Ten Dollar Raise from The Saturday Evening Post stories. Tuesday and Wednesday, May 22 and 24 LON CHANEY and LEATRICE JOY, in Night Rose" Comfortable Seats Well Ventilated and Heated The Pride of Capitol Hill i Special strictly tailor-made suits, made in all designs and colorss2s and up Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing FUEE DELIVERY Brunswick Tailoring Co. 1661 Williams St. York 0748-W Telephone Main liitl!) N.

DAVIDSON MOHEL 2309 Cleveland PI. I.

The Denver Jewish News from Denver, Colorado (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.