Targeted patch-clamp recordings and single-cell electroporation of unlabeled neurons in vivo (2024)


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Targeted patch-clamp recordings and single-cell electroporation of unlabeled neurons in vivo (2024)


What is the patch clamp technique in vivo? ›

This technique allows us to obtain stable recordings of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic currents evoked in single neurons in vivo under voltage-clamp conditions and action potentials and synaptic potentials under current-clamp conditions.

What is the patch clamp technique for neurons? ›

The Patch-clamp technique is a versatile electrophysiological tool for understanding ion channel behavior. Every cell expresses ion channels, but the most common cells to study with patch-clamp techniques include neurons, muscle fibers, cardiomyocytes, and oocytes overexpressing single ion channels.

What is in vivo single cell electrophysiology used to measure? ›

Different types of in-vivo electrophysiological techniques allow for recording of action potentials, or spikes, produced by single neurons, or larger scale signals that reflect summated synaptic activity or action potentials recorded from many neurons at once.

What is the difference between patch-clamp and intracellular recording? ›

Conventional intracellular recording involves impaling a cell with a fine electrode; patch-clamp recording takes a different approach. A patch-clamp microelectrode is a micropipette with a relatively large tip diameter.

What is the purpose of the patch clamp recording? ›

The patch clamp method is a refined electrophysiological technique that can directly measure the membrane potential and/or the amount of current passing across the cell membrane.

What are the disadvantages of patch-clamp technique? ›

Disadvantages include a higher access resistance, relative to whole-cell, due to the partial membrane occupying the tip of the electrode. This may decrease current resolution and increase recording noise.

What are the advantages of patch-clamp technique? ›

Patch-clamp (see Glossary) recording provides direct and precise measurements of electrical activity, such as membrane potential and current density, at the single-cell level. These methods can generate rich datasets and offer flexibility to explore disease mechanisms and characterize pharmacological effects [70].

How does automated patch clamp work? ›

The automated patch clamp robots execute preprogrammed protocols to fill the patch clamp substrate with electrolyte solutions, add cells in suspension, seal onto a cell, break through to the whole-cell configuration and perform voltage-protocols in the absence and presence of drugs while recording the ionic currents.

What is cell-attached patch-clamp used for? ›

Cell-attached recording, in which a patch electrode is attached to the cell but the membrane is not broken, has been widely used for recording single channel currents, for recording the summed current of many single channels in a patch of membrane, and for recording spontaneous cell firing activity.

What is in vivo testing used for? ›

"In vivo" means research done on a living organism, while "in vitro" means research done in a laboratory dish or test tube. Both types of studies are used by medical researchers developing drugs or studying diseases.

What is the purpose of in vivo diagnostic? ›

In vivo diagnostic testing is a procedure that is performed in the body to identify a disease or medical condition. Introducing the in vivo diagnostic biological into the body will elicit a response which is observed or measured and determines the result of the test.

What are the methods for single cell recording and labeling in vivo? ›

Sharp intracellular, juxtacellular, loose-patch and whole-cell approaches are some of the configurations used to record and label individual neurons. Here, we review procedures to establish successful electrophysiological recordings in vivo followed by appropriate labeling for post hoc morphological analysis.

What is the patch clamp method of neurons? ›

Patch clamp techniques for investigating neuronal electrophysiology. Patch clamp electrophysiology is used to study the electrical properties of excitable cells and ion channels. In patch clamp experiments, suction is used to attach a micropipette filled with electrolyte solution to the cell membrane.

Can patch clamp be done in vivo? ›

With the development of in vivo patch-clamp recording, especially in vivo voltage-clamp recording, researchers can not only directly measure neuronal activity, such as spiking responses or membrane potential dynamics, but also quantify synaptic inputs from excitatory and inhibitory circuits in living animals.

What is a patch clamp used to measure membrane potential? ›

Patch-clamp technique originated from technique of voltage clamping, which can be applied with an electrode inside of the glass pipette to record the measuring of the voltage alterations in cell membrane. Current in the ion channels has been recording by tip of specific prepared patch pipette.

What is the patch-clamp technique for dialysis? ›

Patch-clamp technique. In the patch-clamp technique, a low resistance (2–10 MΩ) glass microelectrode is attached to the cellular plasma membrane, and then the required voltage or current is measured.

What is the patch clamp method used to study? ›

Joern Steinert, University of Leicester

Patch clamp electrophysiology is used to study the electrical properties of excitable cells and ion channels. In patch clamp experiments, suction is used to attach a micropipette filled with electrolyte solution to the cell membrane.

Is patch clamp in vitro? ›

The patch clamp technique is an electrophysiological technique that enables to study the electrical properties of living cells.

What is the cell attached patch-clamp technique? ›

Patch-Clamp Techniques

In this configuration, a patch-pipette is sealed to an intact cell. This configuration allows measuring the current through the channel(s) in the membrane patch within the pipette tip. This is possible because of the high resistance (R) of the patch (Rpatch).

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.